Please select the 'Public Computer' option if this is not a machine you use regularly, then enter your User ID below and click 'Submit' to access the system.
This is a public computer
This is a private computer
This system provides workforce members and affiliates access to information systems and data. This computer system is provided only for authorized use. Unauthorized access to or use of this system is strictly prohibited. By continuing, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the policies and procedures of Valley Children’s Healthcare. Unauthorized users may be subject to criminal prosecution under the law and are subject to disciplinary action under organizational policies. All employees acknowledge and agree that when they remotely access Valley Children's Healthcare's information systems, including third party platforms made available through Valley Children's Healthcare's information systems, such as LinkedIn Learning, for the purpose of performing work on behalf of the organization, employees must record their time in the electronic timekeeping system (i.e. Kronos). Any time worked that the employee fails to enter into the electronic timekeeping system shall be immediately reported to the employee's direct supervisor/leader.